Hi, my name is Ahmet Selçuk Özdemir. I'm 27 years old, residing in Istanbul-Eyüpsultan. I have been working professionally as a software developer for about 4+ years.You can review my website learn more about me.
I work as a software development specialist (back-end) in the team that manages and develops 12 brands that host high-traffic sites such as aksam.com.tr, star.com.tr, gunes.com. We use .Net Core, .Net Framework(MVC), Redis, MemoryCache, NGINX Cache, MSSQL, Entity Framework, REST, SOAP,AJAX and Repository Design Pattern. Also I gained some experience on Design Pattern, Docker.
I was responsible for the development of the CMCPlanet software. A bot application was written with HttpAgilityPack to collect data from sites. An infographic web application was developed in order to meet the needs of the process management department. To give a more visual output to the customer by bringing the main logic of the intensive data and complex excel loaded into an infographic format.
Computer Programming,Full Scholarship / 3,02
Information Technologies / Database Programming
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